
Fe(III)-Catalyzed Cross Dehydrogenative Arylation (CDA) between Oxindoles and Arenes under an Air Atmosphere

Date:2018-02-12 17:16:59.0 Enlarge Narrow

Hong-Ru Wu, Hong-Yan Huang, Chuan-Li Ren, Li Liu*, Dong Wang, Chao-Jun Li*


An efficient Fe(III)-catalyzed cross dehydrogenative arylation (CDA) of 3-substitueted-oxindoles with electron-rich aromatic and heteroaromatic compounds by using aerobic oxygen as an oxidant source was developed to provide 3,3’-disubstitueted-oxindoles in good yields.

This work has been published in Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 16744.